Active English language skills
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Post by Dalal Al-Harabi Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:57 pm

Welcome to Active English Language Skills forum .This forum helps people who want to learn English language easily .It provides them with different sorts of topics in the English language five skills .The skills are reading ,writing ,listening ,speaking and grammar .We hope that all the users of this forum would gain benifits from it .
Regrads ,
The administor,
Dalal Al-Harabi

The moderators ,
Hanan Al-Qarni
Hadeyah Bishi
Manal Alenazi
Nora Al-Dobaib

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

Dalal Al-Harabi

Posts : 43
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 34
Location : K.S.A ,Riyadh

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